I have been so exasperated lately that I did not bother with a blog update, thinking that surely I was just being pessimistic. However, it would appear that my hunch was correct: World War Z is cursed. I don't consider myself very superstitious, but when car trouble arises three consecutive days in a row, preventing us from watching a movie about a zombie apocalypse, that is a bad sign in my book. I wasn't even particularly enthused about watching the movie; I've read the book (which was fantastic), but there is no way it should have been made into a movie because it is a fictitious collection of historical testaments about World War Z from many different characters of many different walks of life. There was no one character that could be the primary protagonist that Brad Pitt plays, meaning that they would have drastically altered the plot for the cinematic release. Regardless, I really want to see it now after three botched attempts. The first attempt was a group outing with Gerardo, Connie, Mario, Mario's brother, and myself. Tickets were sold out so we were going to wait until a later showing, but we ended up rescuing Connie's mother from the middle of Salvadorian traffic after her car broke down. That took about an hour and a half, and from there, we ate Chinese food and called it a night. The next day, Gerardo's car wouldn't start up (there weren't any problems until an hour before we were leaving). The day after that, despite having been repaired and successfully driven that day already, it once again did not start up when we were getting ready to leave. When I finally see World War Z, it had better be one hell of a movie...
Friday (July 12) was the last attempt we made to see the movie because yesterday, we went to a birthday party Connie and her mother had planned for Gerardo. Gerardo's actual birthday was a little while ago, but Connie was sick that day, no doubt due to the stress of finals, so it had been moved. On top of being my first international party, it was also the first surprise party I have ever been to and it was a blast. There were about twenty or thirty people at Connie's house, all friends to Gerardo, dancing and partying. I am by no means a good dancer, but even I cut loose on the floor with Gaby for about three hours. There was karaoke and food as well; Gerardo, Mr. Worldwide and I attempted "Temperature" by Sean Paul, but Gerardo was the only one that made a serious attempt at that. I think he probably holds a grudge against me for that...sorry, buddy!

It was really interesting mingling with the different people at the party. One of their friends is on the El Salvador football team (soccer for the US). He was a pretty quiet guy, but it was interesting to learn a "celebrity" was in the house. Several friends taught English lessons during the weekend to children living under poor circumstances. Even though the party itself was really informal, all of the guys were wearing pants and dress shirts and most of the girls were wearing dresses. Not at all different than a party in the States, except there were a lot more Spanish songs than "La Macarena."
And that's it! The failed World War Z attempts and Gerardo's surprise party were the only thing worth talking about from the last few days. Reading, working out, writing, and music have been the other activities occupying my time lately. I have also watched a few documentaries about the Crusades and F. Scott Fitzgerald in preparation for next semester. Pretty interesting stuff actually. If you are going to watch something to be entertained, documentaries are definitely the way to go. Hopefully things will kick up now that I'm down to my last month and four days here.
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